Ändra priser

If the overview is arranged by price, you can amend the price of a package easily.
Click on the price field that you wish to change. The following screen will open:

If you only want to change the date, enter the new price and click on Save.
The following text bar appears, briefly, to confirm that your price has been saved.

In the screen in which you amend the price, you have the possibility, in addition to amending it for 1 date, to apply the same price change to a longer period, as long as you wish to change
the price in the same manner for every corresponding weekday within that period.
In the example below we are changing the price to €50 per night for every Tuesday in the month of October and to €55 per night for every Thursday. Nothing changes for the other days of the week. Using the ‘Edit more info’ button in the screen, you have the possibility, in addition to amending the price, to also amend the allotment and the status of the package. The same method is used for these fields.

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